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SMARTTERMINAL_TRANSACTION is sent on any completed transaction performed via the Smart Terminal. TRANSACTION_SIGNATURE is sent whenever a transaction is signed. Both will be received regardless of whether the transaction was initiated via the API or another service.", "item": [ { "name": "/webhooks/", "request": { "url": "{{url}}/webhooks", "method": "GET", "header": [ { "key": "X-PJ-Application-Key", "value": "{{appkey}}", "description": "" }, { "key": "Authorization", "value": "{{auth}}", "description": "" } ], "body": {}, "description": "Gets a list of webhooks" }, "response": [] }, { "name": "/webhooks/{webhookId}", "request": { "url": "{{url}}/webhooks/{{webhookId}}", "method": "PUT", "header": [ { "key": "X-PJ-Application-Key", "value": "{{appkey}}", "description": "" }, { "key": "Authorization", "value": "{{auth}}", "description": "" } ], "body": { "mode": "urlencoded", "urlencoded": [ { "key": "url", "value": "", "type": "text", "description": "Text, URL with max length 255. URL cannot contain a port and must be HTTPS. The url that webhook events will be posted to.\n\nFor testing and initial development, HTTP URLs from http://requestcatcher.com/ can be used." }, { "key": "secret", "value": "", "type": "text", "description": "Text, max length 255. If set, All webhooks sent will include a \"X-Pj-Signature\" header with the post. The value of the header is a HMAC hash of the entire json payload using the SHA 256 algorithm, using the secret as the secret key.\n\nSetting secret to an empty string will clear the secret. Future payloads will not be hashed." } ] }, "description": "edit a webhook." }, "response": [] }, { "name": "/webhooks/{webhooks}", "request": { "url": { "raw": "{{url}}/webhooks/?event=SMARTTERMINAL_TRANSACTION", "host": [ "{{url}}" ], "path": [ "webhooks", "" ], "query": [ { "key": "event", "value": "SMARTTERMINAL_TRANSACTION", "equals": true, "description": "" } ], "variable": [] }, "method": "POST", "header": [ { "key": "X-PJ-Application-Key", "value": "{{appkey}}", "description": "" }, { "key": "Authorization", "value": "{{auth}}", "description": "" } ], "body": { "mode": "urlencoded", "urlencoded": [ { "key": "event", "value": "", "type": "text", "description": "SMARTTERMINAL_TRANSACTION | \nTRANSACTION_SIGNATURE \n\nThe webhook events that will be posted. SMARTTERMINAL_TRANSACTION is sent on any completed transaction performed via the Smart Terminal. TRANSACTION_SIGNATURE is sent whenever a transaction is signed. Both will be received regardless of whether the transaction was initiated via the API or another service." }, { "key": "url", "value": "", "type": "text", "description": "Text, URL with max length 255. URL cannot contain a port and must be HTTPS.\n\nThe URL that webhook events will be posted to.\n\nFor testing and initial development, HTTP URLs from http://requestcatcher.com/ can be used." }, { "key": "secret", "value": "", "type": "text", "description": "Text, max length 255.\n\nIf set, All webhooks sent will include a \"X-Pj-Signature\" header with the post. The value of the header is a HMAC hash of the entire json payload using the SHA 256 algorithm, using the secret as the secret key." } ] }, "description": "Add a webhook." }, "response": [] }, { "name": "/webhooks/{webhookId}", "request": { "url": "{{url}}/webhooks/{{webhookId}}", "method": "DELETE", "header": [ { "key": "X-PJ-Application-Key", "value": "{{appkey}}", "description": "" }, { "key": "Authorization", "value": "{{auth}}", "description": "" } ], "body": {}, "description": "Delete a webhook" }, "response": [] } ] }, { "name": "Terminals", "description": " merchant account terminal that the transaction will be processed on", "item": [ { "name": "/terminals", "event": [ { "listen": "test", "script": { "type": "text/javascript", "exec": [ "tests[\"Response time is less than 400ms\"] = responseTime < 200;", "", "tests[\"Body matches string\"] = responseBody.has(\"terminalId\");", "", "var jsonData = JSON.parse(responseBody);", "tests[\"terminalId\"] = jsonData.terminalId === 162415;", "" ] } } ], "request": { "url": "{{url}}/terminals", "method": "GET", "header": [ { "key": "X-PJ-Application-Key", "value": "{{appkey}}", "description": "" }, { "key": "Authorization", "value": "{{auth}}", "description": "" } ], "body": { "mode": "urlencoded", "urlencoded": [ { "key": "vaultId", "value": "{{vaultId}}", "type": "text" }, { "key": "achtype", "value": "", "type": "text" }, { "key": "action", "value": "CHARGE", "type": "text" }, { "key": "amountBase", "value": "", "type": "text" }, { "key": "billingFirstName", "value": "", "type": "text" }, { "key": "billingLastName", "value": "", "type": "text" }, { "key": "billingCompanyName", "value": "", "type": "text" } ] }, "description": "Get a list of Terminal Id's for an account." }, "response": [] } ] }, { "name": "SmartTerminal", "description": "Our Smart Terminal API will limit your PCI scope so you can focus on what you’re best at - building software, we handle the rest.", "item": [ { "name": "/smartterminals/{smartTerminald}/request-payment", "request": { "url": { "raw": "{{url}}/smartterminals/{{smartTerminaIId}}/request-payment?amountBase={{amountBase}}&terminalId={{terminalId}}", "host": [ "{{url}}" ], "path": [ "smartterminals", "{{smartTerminaIId}}", "request-payment" ], "query": [ { "key": "invoiceNumber", "value": "{{invoiceNumber}}", "equals": false, "description": "An invoice number to include in the transaction details.", "disabled": true }, { "key": "amountBase", "value": "{{amountBase}}", "equals": true, "description": "Required: Money, Format: X.XX\nGood: 1000.00 or 1000\nBad: $1000 or 1,000.00 or 1000.000Base amount to charge (in dollars)." }, { "key": "terminalId", "value": "{{terminalId}}", "equals": true, "description": "Required: This field points to the specific merchant account terminal that the transaction will be processed on. For example: main location, second location, sales department, etc. Click Here for instructions to find the Terminal Id(s) for your account." }, { "key": "showReceiptPrompt", "value": "{{showReceiptPrompt}}", "equals": true, "description": "true - Displays the receipt prompt.\nfalse - Disables the receipt prompt.\n\n* Default value is true if a parameter is not sent.", "disabled": true } ], "variable": [] }, "method": "POST", "header": [ { "key": "X-PJ-Application-Key", "value": "{{appkey}}", "description": "" }, { "key": "Authorization", "value": "{{auth}}", "description": "" } ], "body": { "mode": "urlencoded", "urlencoded": [ { "key": "terminalId", "value": "{{terminalId}}", "type": "text" }, { "key": "amountBase", "value": "", "type": "text", "description": "Money,\nFormat: X.XX\nGood: 1000.00 or 1000\nBad: $1000 or 1,000.00 or 1000.000" }, { "key": "invoiceNumber", "value": "", "type": "text", "description": "Numeric\nAn invoice number to include in the transaction details." }, { "key": "showReceiptPrompt", "value": "", "description": "true | false\n\ntrue - Displays the receipt prompt.\nfalse - Disables the receipt prompt.\n\n* Default value is true if a parameter is not sent.", "type": "text" } ] }, "description": "Initiate a Smart Terminal Payment" }, "response": [] }, { "name": "/smartterminals/{smartTerminald}/main", "request": { "url": "{{url}}/smartterminals/{{smartTerminaIId}}/main", "method": "POST", "header": [ { "key": "X-PJ-Application-Key", "value": "{{appkey}}", "description": "" }, { "key": "Authorization", "value": "{{auth}}", "description": "" } ], "body": {}, "description": "Returns the Smart Terminal to the main \"Smart Terminal by PayJunction\" screen to await a new transaction request. \n\nFor instance, this request can be used when a user decides to cancel a Smart Terminal payment request. When this request is sent, the Smart Terminal will return to the main screen that reads \"Smart Terminal by PayJunction\", preventing the customer from making a payment.\n\nNote: If the customer has already inserted the chip card, or swiped the card, then the transaction is already processed and it is too late to cancel the payment request. In this case, the transaction should be voided instead." }, "response": [] }, { "name": "/smartterminals", "request": { "url": "{{url}}/smartterminals", "method": "GET", "header": [ { "key": "X-PJ-Application-Key", "value": "{{appkey}}", "description": "" }, { "key": "Authorization", "value": "{{auth}}", "description": "" } ], "body": { "mode": "urlencoded", "urlencoded": [ { "key": "vaultId", "value": "{{vaultId}}", "type": "text" }, { "key": "achtype", "value": "", "type": "text" }, { "key": "action", "value": "CHARGE", "type": "text" }, { "key": "amountBase", "value": "", "type": "text" }, { "key": "billingFirstName", "value": "", "type": "text" }, { "key": "billingLastName", "value": "", "type": "text" }, { "key": "billingCompanyName", "value": "", "type": "text" } ] }, "description": "Get a list of Smart Terminals for an account" }, "response": [] }, { "name": "/smartterminals/requests/{{requestPaymentId}}", "request": { "url": "{{url}}/smartterminals/requests/{{requestPaymentId}}", "method": "GET", "header": [ { "key": "X-PJ-Application-Key", "value": "{{appkey}}", "description": "" }, { "key": "Authorization", "value": "{{auth}}", "description": "" } ], "body": { "mode": "urlencoded", "urlencoded": [ { "key": "vaultId", "value": "{{vaultId}}", "type": "text" }, { "key": "achtype", "value": "", "type": "text" }, { "key": "action", "value": "CHARGE", "type": "text" }, { "key": "amountBase", "value": "", "type": "text" }, { "key": "billingFirstName", "value": "", "type": "text" }, { "key": "billingLastName", "value": "", "type": "text" }, { "key": "billingCompanyName", "value": "", "type": "text" } ] }, "description": "Gets the status of a Smart Terminal payment request by querying the requestPaymentId returned by POST /smartterminals/{smartterminalId}/request-payment\n\nThe status of a payment request can be queried up to 1 day after the Smart Terminal payment request has been completed. After this cut off the requestPaymentId is purged and will return a 404 Not Found when queried. \n\nIn order to discourage busy polling, requests to this endpoint are rate limited to 1 request every 2 seconds per request." }, "response": [] } ] } ] }