Offer all the payment features your
customers want with a fast integration
that limits your PCI scope.



  • Production Server

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POST /invoices

Create a new invoice and send an email to the customer.

required name format description
* amountBase Money, Format: X.XX
Ex: 1000.00

Base amount to charge.

  attachmentId Valid file ID

File associated with the invoice. Available for download on PayJunction's hosted checkout form.

* customerEmail Max Length 255

Email address the Invoice will be sent to.

Required if notification type is not set, EMAIL, or BOTH.

  customerFirstName Max Length 16

The customer's first name.

  customerIdentifier Max Length 64

Your own identifier to associate with the customer.

  customerLastName Max Length 32

The customer's last name.

* customerPhone 10-Digit Long Code - only numerical values (USA Only)

Phone number the Invoice will be texted to.

Required if notification type is TEXT or BOTH.

  invoiceNumber Max Length 32

An invoice number.

  message Max Length 2048

Message to the customer displayed on PayJunction's hosted checkout form.

  notificationType EMAIL | TEXT | BOTH | NONE

Defaults to "EMAIL" if not set.

* terminalId Valid Terminal ID

The terminal on which to process the transaction when the invoice is paid.

To attach a PDF file to the Invoice you must first save it to the Invoice system using POST /invoices/files
Invoices can be voided and reopened after creation but they cannot be edited. If an Invoice must be corrected, the original must be voided and a new Invoice created.

Example Request (please replace placeholder values)

curl -X POST \
  -u "login:password" \
  -H "Accept: application/json" \
  -H "X-PJ-Application-Key: YOUR_PRODUCTION_APP_KEY" \
  -d amountBase=1.99 \
  -d \
-d customerPhone=8006010230 \
-d customerFirstName=John \ -d customerLastName=Doe \ -d invoiceNumber="TO-123456" \ -d message="Invoice for takeout order #123456" \
-d notificationType="BOTH" \ -d terminalId=1

Example Request in the "Labs Demo" account

curl -X POST \
-u "pj-ql-01:pj-ql-01p" \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-H "X-PJ-Application-Key: c0d73641-65ae-4e9b-bbab-fb6215d7ee98" \
-d amountBase=1.99 \
-d \
-d customerPhone=8006010230 \
-d customerFirstName=John \
-d customerLastName=Doe \
-d invoiceNumber="TO-123456" \
-d message="Invoice for takeout order #123456" \
-d notificationType="BOTH" \
-d terminalId=1

Example Response

  "amountBase" : "1.99",
  "created" : "2020-11-24T01:19:23Z",
  "customerEmail" : "",
  "customerFirstName" : "John",
  "customerIdentifier" : "customer-id",
  "customerLastName" : "Doe",
  "hostedInvoiceUrl" : ""
  "invoiceId" : "e321790e-c030-4501-aa99-09e35158c1a6",
  "invoiceNumber" : "TO-123456",
  "lastModified" : "2020-11-24T01:19:23Z",
  "message" : "Invoice for takeout order #123456",
  "status" : "OPEN",
  "terminalId" : 1