Get the details of a specific invoice.
Example Request
curl \ -u "login:password" \ -H "Accept:application/json" \ -H "X-PJ-Application-Key: YOUR_PRODUCTION_APP_KEY"
Example Response
API version 2023-05-16 or above required to receive the surcharge object and fields in transaction response details. See how to use API versions here.
The surcharge fields are present only if the invoice status is PAID.
Click here for more information regarding surcharge.
{ "amountBase": "10.00", "amountSurcharge": "0.30", "amountTotal": "10.30", "surcharge": { "percentage": 3.00000, "status": "APPLIED" }, "completedAt": "2020-12-06T01:27:43Z", "created": "2020-12-06T01:26:37Z", "customerEmail": "", "customerFirstName": "Fra", "customerLastName": "Coyle", "hostedInvoiceUrl": "", "invoiceId": "ab7d8e8f-db90-4b5a-a11e-201ac802a90d", "lastModified": "2020-12-06T01:27:43Z", "status": "PAID", "terminalId" : 1, "transactionId": 10003 }