Automations provide the ability to perform tasks after approved charges, refunds, or invoices.
Eliminate copy and pasting, selecting from drop-downs, clicking submit buttons. With automations, the user does not need to perform any of these tasks, saving time and eliminating mistakes.
Table of Contents
Click here for instructions to download and install the extension.
Download and install PayJunction's No-code Payments Integration extension to follow along with these instructions.
Create or Edit an automation
To create a new automation:
To edit an existing automation:
Automation Options
Automation After Charge
- Click Create automation to create a new automation after every approved charge.
Automation After Refund
- Click Create automation to create a new automation after every approved refund.
Automation After Invoice
- Click Create automation to create a new automation after every invoice that is sent.
Automation Types
Use different automation types like building blocks or sequential instructions to build a workflow that automatically runs after each approved charge, refund or invoice. We have four types of automations that can be used to accomplish different tasks.
- Click: Click on any element on the page. For example, this automation type is useful for clicking buttons.
- Wait: This automation type will pause for a specified amount of time (in milliseconds). This is helpful if your software needs time to do other things first, before automatically updating elements on the page.
- Input: This automation type allows you to enter text into a textfield or textarea. For example, you may want to add a note in a certain field, or you might want to record the total amount of the transaction in a certain field.
Click the Use Transaction Approval checkbox to select data from the transaction that you want to input in a certain field. For example, you may want to record the Last Four Digits of Card in a certain field. - Dropdown: This automation type will click on a dropdown menu and will automatically select the appropriate option in the menu based on the settings that you select while configuring this automation type.
If your dropdown menu requires the user to select the card type that was used, simply click on the Use Transaction Approval checkbox, then select the appropriate dropdown menu option for each card type (see example).