Table of Contents
Response Placeholders
An integration utilize Automation After [Charge | Refund | Invoice | Recurring]. This is where you can map response data back to the page to populate inputs and selections accordingly. If needed, you can use placeholders from the response to populate specific data in specific fields.
In the following example, while creating an Automation After Charge, the Response Code (aka Approval Code) for the transaction is automatically input in the Note field using the {{response.processor.approvalCode}} placeholder.
Placeholders for Charge and Refund
Transaction Data
- Transaction ID: {{transactionId}}
- URI: {{uri}}
- Terminal ID: {{terminalId}}
- Action: {{action}}
- Amount Base: {{amountBase}}
- Amount Surcharge: {{amountSurcharge}}
- Amount Total: {{amountTotal}}
- Invoice Number: {{invoiceNumber}}
- Purchase Order Number: {{purchaseOrderNumber}}
- Method: {{method}}
- Service: {{service}}
- Status: {{status}}
- Status: {{status}}
- Last Modified: {{lastModified}}
- Approved: {{response.approved}}
- Code: {{response.code}}
- Message: {{response.message}}
- Processor:
- Authorized: {{response.processor.authorized}}
- Approval Code: {{response.processor.approvalCode}}
- Level 3 Eligible: {{response.processor.level3Eligible}}
- Address Verification
- Status: {{response.processor.avs.status}}
- Requested: {{response.processor.avs.requested}}
- Match
- Zip: {{response.processor.avs.match.ZIP}}
- Address: {{response.processor.avs.match.ADDRESS}}
- Status: {{response.processor.cvv.status}}
- Match: {{response.processor.cvv.match}}
- Settled: {{settlement.settled}}
- Type: {{vault.type}}
- Account Type: {{vault.accountType}}
- Last Four: {{vault.lastFour}}
- First Name: {{billing.firstName}}
- Last Name: {{billing.lastName}}
- Email: {{}}
- Identifier: {{billing.identifier}}
- Address
- Address: {{billing.address.address}}
- Zip: {{}}
Placeholders for Invoices
Response Placeholders for Automation After Invoice

Response Placeholders
- Amount Base: {{amountBase}}
- Amount Total: {{amountTotal}}
- AttachmentID: {{attachmentId}}
- Completed At: {{completedAt}}
- Created: {{created}}
- Customer Email: {{customerEmail}}
- Customer First Name: {{customerFirstName}}
- Customer Identifier: {{customerIdentifier}}
- Customer Last Name{{customerLastName}}
- Hosted Invoice URL: {{hostedInvoiceUrl}}
- Invoice Id: {{invoiceId}}
- Invoice Number: {{invoiceNumber}}
- Last Modified: {{lastModified}}
- Message: {{message}}
- Status: {{status}}
- Terminals Id: {{terminalId}}
- Transaction Id: {{transactionId}}
Placeholders for Recurring
- ScheduleId: {{scheduleId}}
- TerminalId: {{terminalId}}
- scheduleType: {{scheduleType}}
- interval: {{interval}}
- intervalCount: {{intervalCount}}
- amountBase: {{amountBase}}
- amountSurcharge: {{amountSurcharge}}
- amountTotal: {{amountTotal}}
- status: {{status}}
- startDate: {{startDate}}
- nextTransaction: {{nextTransaction}}
- surcharge
- percentage: {{surcharge.percentage}}
- status: {{surcharge.status}}
- vault
- accountType: {{vault.accountType}}
- lastFour: {{vault.lastFour}}
- type: {{vault.type}}
- billing
- firstName: {{billing.firstName}}
- billing lastName: {{billing.lastName}}
- created: {{created}}
- lastModified: {{lastModified}}