PayJunction's No-code Payments Integration extension supports the following frameworks and libraries by default.
Supported Frameworks and Libraries
- MUI: React Autocomplete component - Material UI
- Ant Design: Components Overview - Ant Design
- Bootstrap: Accordion | React Bootstrap
- Chakra UI: Components
- Semantic UI: Button - Semantic UI React
- Evengreen UI: Evergreen
- React Select: React-Select
- NextUI: Button
- MUI: React Autocomplete component - Material UI
- Vuetify: Vuetify — A Material Design Framework for Vue.js
- Quasar: Quasar Components | Quasar Framework
- Element: Element - The world's most popular Vue UI framework
- Bootstrap: Dropdown | Components | BootstrapVue
- Semantic UI: Semantic UI Vue
- Vue Material: Vue Material
- Buefy: Button | Buefy
- Vuetify: Vuetify — A Material Design Framework for Vue.js
- Angular Material: Angular Material
- NG Bootstrap: Angular powered Bootstrap
- PrimeNG: Angular Dropdown Component
- Clarity: Overview | Clarity Design System
- Onsen UI: Onsen UI Framework for Hybrid Mobile Apps and PWA - Theme Roller
- Angular Material: Angular Material
- Ember EUI: Ember Eui
- Ember Paper: ember-paper - The Ember approach to Material Design.
- Ember Bootstrap: Ember Bootstrap
- Ember Semantic UI: Semantic-UI-Ember Demo and Documentation
- Ember UIKit: ember-uikit
- Ember EUI: Ember Eui
- Marionette.js:
- Svelte Material UI:
- Preact: Preact
- Preact Material Components: Button
- Preact: Preact
- AlpineJs Components: Dropdown Component — Alpine.js
- Pines UI: Pines - Alpine and Tailwind UI Library
- AlpineJs Components: Dropdown Component — Alpine.js
Request Additional Frameworks and Libraries
Click here to let us know if your software solution uses a framework or library that is not listed above.