Each error is made up of the following fields:
- message [required]: Human readable error message.
- parameter [optional]: Name of HTTP parameter that error applies to, if applicable
- type [optional]: Error type. “required” or “invalid”. Differentiate between required parameters and invalid parameters.
Authentication Failure
Response Code: 401 Unauthorized
Example JSON
{ "errors": [ { "message": "Authentication failed. The API login and/or password is wrong." } ], "help": "http://developer.payjunction.com/documentation/authentication" }
Invalid Parameters
Response Code: 400 Bad Request
Example JSON
{ "errors": [ { "message": "Account Number can only contain numbers.", "parameter": "achAccountNumber", "type": "invalid" }, { "message": "Account Type is invalid.", "parameter": "achAccountType", "type": "invalid" }, { "message": "Routing Number is required.", "parameter": "achRoutingNumber", "type": "required" }, { "message": "Type is invalid.", "parameter": "achType", "type": "invalid" }, { "message": "Amount Base is required.", "parameter": "amountBase", "type": "required" } ], "help": "http://developer.payjunction.com/documentation/process-a-transaction" }
Resource Not Found
Response Code: 404 Not Found
If you attempt to access an invalid resource you will receive this type of error.
Example JSON
{ "errors": [ { "message": "404 Not Found" } ] }
Limit Reached
Response Code: 403 Forbidden
If you reach a resource limit or rate limit you will receive this type of error.
Example JSON
{ "errors": [ { "message": "Max vault limit for customer has been reached." } ] }