The following is a BETA API and is subject to change.
If you are interested in integrating Schedules, please reach out to our Support team at or submit a ticket through our Developer Support request form for more information about our beta program.
Get a Schedule
Returns all of the schedule details.
API version 2023-05-16 or above required to receive the surcharge object and fields in transaction response details. See how to use API versions here.
The surcharge object is only present if surcharge is enabled on the account.
Click here for more information regarding surcharge.
Example Response
{ "scheduleId" : 1053, "terminalId" : 51, "scheduleType" : "PERIODIC", "interval" : "MONTH", "intervalCount" : 1, "amountBase": "10.00", "amountSurcharge": "0.30", "amountTotal": "10.30", "surcharge" : { "percentage" : 3.00, "status" : "APPLIED" }, "vault" : { "accountType" : "VISA", "lastFour" : "1111", "type" : "CARD" }, "billing" : { "firstName" : "Jane", "lastName" : "Doe" }, "status" : "ACTIVE", "startDate" : "2021-08-18", "created" : "2021-08-16T22:14:10Z", "lastModified" : "2021-08-17T16:25:37Z", "nextTransaction" : "2021-08-18" }