Schedule Transactions
- Schedule a series of transactions (scheduleType: PERIODIC).
- Schedule a future transaction (scheduleType: SPECIFIC_DATES).
required | name | format | description |
* | achRoutingNumber | Valid Check Routing Number | ACH Routing Number |
* | achAccountNumber | Valid Check Account Number, Max Length 17 | ACH Account Number |
* | achAccountType | SAVINGS | CHECKING | SAVINGS - Savings Account CHECKING - Checking Account |
* | achType | PPD | CCD |
PPD - Consumer Account
CCD - Business Account
Keyed Card
Please consider the PCI Implications of transmitting full card number data.
required | name | format | description |
* | cardNumber | Valid Credit Card Number. |
Credit/Debit Card Number NOTE: Please consider the PCI Implications of transmitting full card number data. |
* | cardExpMonth | 1-12, Ex: 8 | Expiration Month. |
* | cardExpYear | 4 Digit Format. Ex: 2015 | Expiration Year. |
cardCvv | Valid CVV. Max Length 4 | Card Verification Value. |
Re-Bill by Vault ID
required | name | format | description |
* | vaultId | Valid Vault ID | A Vault ID from a previously stored account. |
achType | PPD | CCD | Required for ACH Vaults. ACH Type for this transaction. This is optional. If not present, the default ACH Type for the Vault will be used. PPD - Consumer Account CCD - Business Account |
Re-Bill by Transaction ID
required | name | format | description |
* | transactionId | Valid Transaction ID | A Transaction ID from a previously charged transaction. |
Credit Card Security
required | name | format | description |
This will check the billingAddress and billingZip. ADDRESS - Decline if address does not match. ZIP - Decline if zip does not match. ADDRESS_AND_ZIP - Decline if address and zip don't match. ADDRESS_OR_ZIP - Decline if address or zip don't match. BYPASS - Try to match address and zip but do not decline if one does not match. OFF - Do not run AVS |
cvv | ON | OFF | ON - CVV check on. OFF - CVV check off. |
cardCvv | Valid CVV. Max Length 4 | The CVV code from the card. |
Schedule Fields
All amount fields have a max value of 1,000,000. Amounts higher than 1,000,000 will cause a validation error.
required | name | format | description |
terminalId | Valid Terminal Id | The terminal on which the schedule will run transactions on. | |
amountBase | Money, Format: X.XX Ex: 1000.00 |
Base amount to charge. | |
amountShipping | Money, Format: X.XX Ex: 1000.00 |
If you want to track separate shipping amounts use this parameter. | |
amountTip | Money, Format: X.XX Ex: 1000.00 |
If you want to add a tip to the transaction then use this parameter. | |
amountSurchargeTax | Money, Format: X.XX Ex: 1000.00 |
Click here to learn how to use PayJunction's surcharge feature. Tax amount applied on the surcharge. |
amountTax | Money, Format: X.XX Ex: 1000.00 |
If you are billing tax then use this parameter. |
Schedule Type Fields
required | name | format | description |
* |
scheduleType | PERIODIC | SPECIFIC_DATES | |
interval | DAY | MONTH | WEEK | YEAR | Required for scheduleType=PERIODIC | |
intervalCount | Numeric | Required for scheduleType=PERIODIC | |
intervalCap | Numeric |
Optional for scheduleType=PERIODIC If present, schedule will only run until this number of approved transactions is reached. |
startDate | yyyy-MM-dd | Required for scheduleType=PERIODIC | |
specificDate1 | yyyy-MM-dd | Required for scheduleType=SPECIFIC_DATES Only one specific date is supported for this type of schedule. |
Billing Contact
required | name | format | description |
billingIdentifier | Max Length 64 | Billing customer id. If you have your own customer ID you want to associate with the schedule. | |
* |
billingFirstName | Max Length 16 |
Billing first name. Required for ACH PPD transactions |
billingMiddleName | Max Length 32 | Billing middle name. | |
* |
billingLastName | Max Length 32 |
Billing last name. Required for ACH PPD transactions |
* | billingCompanyName | Max Length 64 |
Billing company name. Required for ACH CCD transactions |
billingJobTitle | Max Length 32 | Billing job title. Ex: President | |
billingPhone | Max Length 24 | Billing phone number. | |
billingPhone2 | Max Length 24 | Billing alternate phone number. | |
billingAddress | Max Length 128 | Billing street address. | |
billingCity | Max Length 32 | Billing city. | |
billingState | Max Length 32 | Billing state. | |
billingZip | Max Length 12 | Billing zip. | |
billingCountry | Max Length 32 | Billing country. | |
billingEmail | Max Length 128 | Billing email. | |
billingWebsite | Max Length 128 | Billing website. |
Shipping Contact
required | name | format | description |
shippingIdentifier | Max Length 64 | Shipping customer id. If you have your own customer ID you want to associate with the schedule. | |
shippingFirstName | Max Length 16 | Shipping first name. | |
shippingMiddleName | Max Length 32 | Shipping middle name. | |
shippingLastName | Max Length 32 | Shipping last name. | |
shippingCompanyName | Max Length 64 | Shipping company name. | |
shippingJobTitle | Max Length 32 | Shipping job title. Ex: President | |
shippingPhone | Max Length 24 | Shipping phone number | |
shippingPhone2 | Max Length 24 | Shipping alternate phone number. | |
shippingAddress | Max Length 128 | Shipping street address | |
shippingCity | Max Length 32 | Shipping city. | |
shippingState | Max Length 32 | Shipping state | |
shippingZip | Max Length 12 | Shipping zip. | |
shippingCountry | Max Length 32 | Shipping country. | |
shippingEmail | Max Length 128 | Shipping email address. | |
shippingWebsite | Max Length 128 | Shipping website. |
Other Fields
required | name | format | description |
invoiceNumber | Max Length 32 |
Invoice number. If you would like to include an invoice number on the schedule for accounting. |
purchaseOrderNumber | Max Length 32 | Purchase order number. If you would like to mark this schedule with your own PO for accounting. | |
bypassDuplicate | true / false | If true, bypasses duplicate schedule checks. |
Example Responses
API version 2023-05-16 or above required to receive the surcharge object and fields in transaction response details. See how to use API versions here.
The surcharge object is only present if surcharge is enabled on the account.
Click here for more information regarding surcharge.
200 Success
On success, the newly created schedule is returned.
{ "scheduleId" : 1053, "terminalId" : 51, "scheduleType" : "PERIODIC", "interval" : "MONTH", "intervalCount" : 1, "amountBase": "10.00", "amountSurcharge": "0.30", "amountTotal": "10.30", "surcharge" : { "percentage" : 3.00000, "status" : "APPLIED" }, "vault" : { "accountType" : "VISA", "lastFour" : "1111", "type" : "CARD" }, "billing" : { "firstName" : "Jane", "lastName" : "Doe" }, "status" : "ACTIVE", "startDate" : "2021-08-18", "created" : "2021-08-16T22:14:10Z", "lastModified" : "2021-08-17T16:25:37Z", "nextTransaction" : "2021-08-18" }
400 Pre-auth declined
Schedule creation requires a successful approval of a pre-auth to help ensure the payment is valid. If this pre-auth is declined, the decline code is returned.
{ "response" : { "approved" : false, "code" : "05" } }
409 Conflict
Returned if system detects a duplicate schedule. A schedule is a duplicate if an existing schedule for payment is present with the same amount.
Duplicate checks can be disabled by setting bypassDuplicate=true request parameter.